Oh my I have had a busy couple of weeks. No excuse for not blogging...but whew I'm tired.
First, just as we were getting quotes to finish our basement (can we say expensive), the person who was upstairs fixing our washing machine told us that we would be needing a new washer. Fantastic! As I said, our washer and dryer our upstairs...in this closet:
Now, this is kind of nice because I don't have to go very far to hang up clothes, fold, etc. I also kind of like that there is no laundry "room". For procrastinators such as myself, it forces me to put the stuff away. But and I say this with a big BUT, the problem is what do you do if it breaks? Well. Let me tell you. You need to have two people and one who can perform this move:

Now that the washer is broke we thought maybe we should just put it in the basement. Well there is no hookup. Of course. So, next Tuesday they're jackhammering the floor and putting in a hookup. Fun stuff.
Which brings me to my question of: Can anyone recommend they're washer and dryer? I'm just not sure if it's worth spending a lot to get a new fancy one. But then I don't want to be buying another in 5 years. So maybe it is?
On the up side, last weekend was my birthday. I'm the big 25 now, so I can officially rent a car!!!! I think I'm going to buy a new camera with some of the money I got. I also got these lovely flowers:
Bring on the washer dryer suggestions!!!

I'm not really sure what brands are great, but I do know that if you go to Sears Outlet they have really good deals on washers and dryers. They are marked down for having little dents or dings and most of the time you can't even tell. We got our fridge there. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering where you had gone to! It's been a long time since I've heard from you. Sorry about the washer/dryer business ... I can't really recommend anything because we just have an old hand me down set. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!
ReplyDeleteI'm also sorry to hear about your washer and dryer. I cannot recommend one either since we've always been renters and used what ever the landlord provided.
ReplyDeleteMy husband sells appliances at Kmart so I'll definitely ask him for his input.
I'll be back.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my washer! It's a kenmore (sears) and it's a top load, but does not have the agitator in it. It's basically exactly like the front loads, but just a top one. I hated the agitators as it seemed they ruined some shirts and things would wrap around them. It's an HE so I know I'm not wasting water and I use the soap nuts I blogged about, but any HE soap will work. I understand with the front loads you need to leave the door open so they dry out and don't get a smell, but not with mine as it's a top load. I also got a very large one...love it can wash the sheets/comforters and such with no problem.
PS, did miss you!
I have no washer or dryer so no suggestions...but I wish I did!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday chica! I hope you enjoyed it to its maximum potential.
yeah...first of all such a nice home you have....and love makes home more beautiful. All of the appliances are enough for the home...
ReplyDeleteI have something for you on my blog!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday... my recommendation for laudry...just don't do it.
ReplyDeleteNot joking... not joking at all :)
I have an AWARD for you come by and visit.
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